100+ Names for a Tarantula: Creative and Unique Ideas

When it comes to naming a pet, choosing the perfect name is crucial. This is especially true for tarantula owners who want to give their eight-legged friend a unique and fitting name. With so many options to choose from, it can be challenging to pick the perfect name for a pet tarantula.

One of the best places to start when looking for a name for a pet tarantula is to consider the spider’s physical characteristics. For example, a tarantula with bright red knees might be named “Scarlet,” while a spider with a distinctive pattern on its back might be called “Spot.” Alternatively, owners can choose a name based on their tarantula’s species or origin, such as “Chile” for a Chilean Rose tarantula or “Rosie” for a Rose Hair tarantula.

Another great way to find a name for a pet tarantula is to draw inspiration from pop culture. Owners can choose a name based on their favorite book, movie, or TV show character, such as “Aragog” from Harry Potter or “Shelob” from Lord of the Rings. They can also consider names inspired by famous musicians, actors, or historical figures. With so many options to choose from, naming a pet tarantula can be a fun and creative process.

Some More Names for a Tarantula

Here are some creative names for a tarantula:

  1. Crawler King
  2. Shadow Silk
  3. Quicksilver
  4. Furry Fury
  5. Silk Scepter
  6. Gossamer
  7. Night Nova
  8. Legs Eleven
  9. Nightshade
  10. Moon Dancer
  11. Mr. Fang
  12. Octavia
  13. Taran-tiny
  14. Fluffy Legs
  15. Whisper
  16. Lunar Legs
  17. Lurky
  18. Shadow Weaver
  19. Silk Symphony
  20. Venom Velvet
  21. Black Velvet
  22. Pincushion
  23. Stinger
  24. Velvet Void
  25. Eclipse Enchanter
  26. Webby Wonder
  27. Web Whisperer
  28. Muffet (as in Little Miss)
  29. Houdini
  30. Cocoa Puff
  31. Twilight
  32. Shadow Spinner
  33. Silk Scepter
  34. Hairy Potter
  35. Inky
  36. Jitterbug
  37. Black Beauty
  38. Twilight Twirler
  39. Galactic Gossamer
  40. Sable Silk
  41. Scarlet Spinner
  42. Silk Spinner
  43. Night Crawler
  44. Charm Crawler
  45. Tippy Toes
  46. Incy Wincy
  47. Phantom
  48. Eightfold Enigma
  49. Starlight
  50. Midnight Mamba
  51. Dreamweaver
  52. Aragog (from Harry Potter)
  53. Creepy Crawler
  54. Leggy Luna
  55. Rumble
  56. Silk Weaver
  57. Webmaster
  58. Creepella
  59. Shady Lady
  60. Spiderella
  61. Web Warrior
  62. Web Slinger
  63. Black Widow
  64. Dusky Duchess
  65. Ebony Enchanter
  66. Shadow Stalker
  67. Pogo
  68. Velvet Vortex
  69. Twilight Hunter
  70. Nightmare
  71. Phantom Fang
  72. Twilight Twister
  73. Whispering Willow
  74. Cosmic Crawler
  75. Fuzzinator
  76. Tanglefoot
  77. Fuzzball
  78. Orion
  79. Dusk Dancer
  80. Twilight Twister
  81. Tickles
  82. Dark Dancer
  83. Ember Eyes
  84. Labyrinth
  85. Creepster
  86. Jet
  87. Tarantina
  88. Mystic Mover
  89. Cuddles
  90. Tricky
  91. Velvet Knight
  92. Eclipse
  93. Anansi (after the mythical spider)
  94. Midnight Shadow
  95. Star Spinner
  96. Arachne (from Greek mythology)
  97. Webbed Wonder
  98. Brisk Bristles
  99. Phantom Prancer
  100. Goliath

Understanding Tarantulas

Tarantulas are large, hairy spiders that belong to the family Theraphosidae. They are known for their impressive size and unique appearance, which can vary greatly depending on the species. Some tarantulas can grow up to 11 inches in leg span, and their bodies can be covered in a variety of colors and patterns.

Tarantulas are carnivores and typically feed on insects, small rodents, and other small animals. They are also known for their venomous bites, which can be painful but are generally not dangerous to humans. However, individuals who are allergic to spider venom may experience more severe symptoms.

When it comes to keeping tarantulas as pets, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to research the specific species of tarantula you are interested in keeping to ensure that you can provide the proper care and environment. Some species are more docile and easier to handle than others, so it’s important to consider your own comfort level with handling spiders before making a decision.

Tarantulas require a spacious enclosure with plenty of hiding places, as well as a substrate that allows for burrowing. They also need a source of water and a diet that includes live insects. While some tarantulas can be kept communally, many species are solitary and should be housed alone.

Overall, tarantulas can make fascinating and unique pets for those who are willing to put in the time and effort to properly care for them. With the right care and environment, these spiders can live for up to 30 years in captivity.

Names for a Tarantula

Cultural References for Tarantula Names

Tarantulas have been depicted in popular culture, mythology, and symbolism throughout history. From Greek mythology to African folklore, the spider has been used to represent a variety of things and endures into the present day with characters such as Shelob from The Lord of the Rings and Spider-Man from the eponymous comic series.

In addition to these popular references, tarantula owners can also draw inspiration from historical and mythical figures, places, and names. For example, the name “Arachne” comes from Greek mythology and was a skilled weaver who challenged the goddess Athena to a weaving contest. Another option is “Anansi,” a spider trickster figure from West African folklore.

Tarantula owners can also consider names from literature, movies, and TV shows. For example, the name “Charlotte” could be a nod to the classic children’s book Charlotte’s Web, while “Aragog” is the name of Hagrid’s pet giant spider in the Harry Potter series.

When choosing a cultural reference for a tarantula name, it’s important to consider the meaning and significance behind the reference. Some cultural references may have negative connotations, such as the spider as a symbol of mischief and malice. It’s important to choose a name that reflects the personality and temperament of the individual tarantula, as well as the owner’s personal preferences.

Overall, cultural references can provide a wealth of inspiration for tarantula names, allowing owners to choose a name that is both meaningful and unique.


In conclusion, the task of choosing a name for your tarantula is an exciting and imaginative adventure. Names provide a sense of identity and significance to our eight-legged friends, personalizing the relationship between pet and owner. The names for a tarantula can range from enchantingly playful to powerfully ominous, echoing the arachnid’s unique traits and mysterious nature. Whether you’re inspired by their nocturnal habits, their intriguing physique, or their symbolic associations, there is a myriad of names for a tarantula that can capture their captivating spirit and complement their intricate, enigmatic charm.

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