Do Spiders Make Noise? 10 Facts You Should Know.

Do Spiders Make Noise? 10 Facts You Should Know.

Do Spiders Make Noise?

Yes, spiders can make noise, but not all of them do. Some spiders produce vibrations and sounds by stridulation, which is the process of rubbing body parts together to create sound.

For example, male wolf spiders produce vibrations that hit surrounding dried leaves and cause them to vibrate, producing a low “purring” sound. Other spiders can produce vibrations and sounds when entering another spider’s domain to let the local spider know they are another spider and not prey.

However, these sounds are not intended to be heard by other spiders because spiders don’t have ears or eardrums. Instead, spiders communicate through vibrations that just happen to make noise at times. It’s important to note that not all spiders make noise. Common house spiders, for example, are silent and small and don’t have the capability to produce any sounds.

Do Spiders Make Noise ?


Spiders have long been the subject of fascination and fear. These eight-legged creatures are known for their intricate webs, venomous bites, and silent movements. But do spiders make noise? This question has puzzled researchers and arachnophiles for years.

The answer is not a simple one, but it is possible to break it down into a few key points.

Firstly, it is important to note that spiders do not have vocal cords, so they cannot produce sounds in the same way that humans or other animals can. However, this does not mean that they are completely silent. In fact, spiders are capable of making a variety of noises through different means.

One way that spiders can make noise is by rubbing their body parts together. For example, some species of spiders have specialized structures on their legs that they can use to create a rubbing or scraping sound. This is often used as a form of communication between spiders, or to warn off potential predators.

Another way that spiders can make noise is by moving around. When a spider crawls across a surface, it can create a faint rustling or tapping sound that can be heard if you are close enough. Some larger species of spiders, such as tarantulas, can even make a hissing noise by expelling air from their body.

Overall, while spiders may not make noise in the same way that we do, they are still capable of producing a range of sounds through different methods. Whether it is a warning to other spiders or a way to scare off predators, these noises are an important part of a spider’s communication and survival strategies.

Spider Communication

Spiders may not have vocal cords or ears like humans do, but they have developed other fascinating ways of communicating with each other. Through a combination of physical movements, vibrations, and specialized body parts, spiders are able to convey information and establish social interactions within their communities.


One method of spider communication is through stridulation, which involves the production of sound by rubbing body parts together. This behavior is commonly observed in certain species of spiders and serves various purposes such as courtship, territorial defense, and aggression.

To produce stridulatory sounds, spiders typically use specialized structures called stridulatory organs. These organs consist of ridges or serrated structures on their body, such as the modified leg segments or chelicerae (mouthparts). By rapidly rubbing these body parts together, spiders create friction that generates audible vibrations.

For example, the male wolf spider (family Lycosidae) produces a series of clicks by rubbing its chelicerae against each other during courtship. These clicks serve as a form of communication to attract females and establish mating compatibility. Similarly, some orb-weaving spiders (family Araneidae) produce rasping sounds by rubbing their legs against their silk threads to warn intruders or communicate territorial boundaries.

Web Vibrations

In addition to stridulation, spiders also utilize web vibrations as a means of communication. Spiders are known for their intricate webs, which serve as both hunting tools and signaling devices. When prey becomes entangled in the web or when a potential mate approaches, spiders can detect vibrations in the silk strands and respond accordingly.

Spiders are equipped with specialized sensory organs called slit sensilla that allow them to perceive these subtle vibrations. By interpreting the frequency and intensity of the vibrations, spiders can determine the nature of the disturbance and respond appropriately. For example, a female spider may respond to the vibrations produced by a male during courtship, indicating her receptiveness to mating.

Some spiders even use web vibrations to communicate territorial boundaries or warn approaching predators. For instance, certain social spiders like the tropical orb-weaver (genus Nephila) create vibrational signals in their webs to alert colony members of potential threats. These vibrations can transmit information about the size and location of the intruder, enabling coordinated defensive responses.

Cheliceral Clicking

Another intriguing form of spider communication is cheliceral clicking. This behavior involves spiders rhythmically clicking their chelicerae, which are their mouthparts responsible for manipulating prey and creating silk. The exact mechanism behind cheliceral clicking is still not fully understood, but it is believed to serve as a form of communication in specific contexts.

Spiders that engage in cheliceral clicking often do so during aggressive encounters or territorial disputes with other spiders. The clicking sound may act as a warning signal to deter potential rivals or predators. It is thought that the frequency and duration of the clicks convey information about the spider’s size, strength, and willingness to engage in combat.

One well-known example of cheliceral clicking is observed in the rainforest-dwelling peacock spider (genus Maratus). Male peacock spiders perform elaborate courtship displays that involve intricate dances accompanied by rapid cheliceral clicks. These clicks likely play a crucial role in attracting females and advertising the male’s fitness as a potential mate.

In summary, spider communication involves various methods such as stridulation, web vibrations, and cheliceral clicking. These behaviors allow spiders to convey information related to courtship, territorial defense, aggression, and social interactions within their communities. By understanding these fascinating communication techniques, we gain valuable insights into the complex world of spiders.

Spider Defense

Spiders are not only skilled communicators but also formidable defenders. They utilize various sounds as a means of defense, which can be categorized into different types. Let’s explore how spiders use sounds for defense, the types of defensive sounds they make, and some examples of spiders with unique defensive sound abilities.

How Spiders Use Sounds for Defense

Spiders use sounds to intimidate potential threats and ward off predators. By producing specific sounds, they communicate their readiness to defend themselves and deter any potential attacks. These defensive sounds serve as a warning signal, alerting others to the spider’s presence and its ability to defend itself.

Types of Defensive Sounds Spiders Make

  1. Spider Hissing: One of the most well-known defensive sounds made by spiders is hissing. When threatened or frightened, certain spiders produce a distinctive hissing noise as a form of defense. This sound is created by expelling air forcefully through their exoskeleton or by rubbing body parts together.
  2. Spider Purring: Another type of defensive sound produced by spiders is purring. Similar to hissing, spider purring is a low-frequency vibration that serves as a warning signal to predators or other intruders. Spiders create this sound by rubbing specialized structures on their bodies together.

Examples of Spiders with Defensive Sounds

Spider Hissing

Some spiders that are known for their hissing ability include:

  • Tarantulas: Tarantulas are famous for their hissing sound. When threatened, they rub specialized bristles on their legs against their exoskeleton, creating a loud hiss that can startle predators.
  • Wolf Spiders: Wolf spiders also possess the ability to produce hissing sounds when threatened. They create this sound by forcibly expelling air through small slits in their exoskeletons.

Spider Purring

Spiders that are capable of purring include:

  • Kukulcania hibernalis (Southern House Spider): This species of spider produces a distinctive purring sound by rubbing its legs against its body. The vibrations created during this process serve as a warning to potential predators.
  • Micrathena gracilis (Spined Micrathena): The Spined Micrathena spider is known for its unique purring sound. It creates this sound by rapidly rubbing specialized structures on its abdomen against its exoskeleton.

In conclusion, spiders are not just silent creatures but skilled defenders, utilizing a range of sounds to protect themselves from potential threats. They employ hissing and purring as forms of defensive communication, alerting predators and intruders of their ability to defend themselves. Tarantulas, wolf spiders, Kukulcania hibernalis, and Micrathena gracilis are just a few examples of spiders that possess unique defensive sound abilities.

Why Do Spiders Wiggle their Bums

Spider Hunting

When it comes to hunting, spiders have developed fascinating techniques that go beyond the use of their eight legs. These arachnids also employ sounds as part of their hunting strategies. In this section, we will explore how spiders use sounds during hunting, the types of hunting sounds they make, and provide examples of these unique behaviors.

How Spiders Use Sounds During Hunting

While spiders are primarily known for their ability to weave intricate webs to ensnare prey, some species have developed additional methods to capture their meals. Sound plays a crucial role in these hunting techniques. By producing specific sounds, spiders can attract prey or communicate with potential mates.

Types of Hunting Sounds Made by Spiders

Spiders utilize various types of sounds during the hunting process. One example is the vibrations produced by certain species, such as wolf spiders. These vibrations serve multiple purposes, including communication and prey detection.

“Wolf Spider Vibrations”

Wolf spiders are well-known for their ability to produce vibrations as a hunting technique. These vibrations are created by drumming their legs against the ground or any nearby surface. The resulting low-frequency sound waves can travel through the ground, alerting the spider to the presence of potential prey.

Explanation of Wolf Spider Vibrations

Wolf spiders use vibrations to detect and locate prey that may be hidden beneath leaves or other obstacles. When a wolf spider detects an insect below the surface, it will begin producing vibrations specific to that particular prey item. These vibrations cause disturbances in the surrounding environment and allow the spider to pinpoint the exact location of its next meal.

How Wolf Spiders Use Vibrations for Hunting

Once a wolf spider has determined the position of its prey through vibrations, it uses its exceptional speed and agility to pounce on its unsuspecting victim. This hunting technique gives wolf spiders an advantage when hunting in dark or cluttered environments where visual cues may be limited.

Examples of Wolf Spiders and Their Hunting Techniques

One example of a wolf spider species that employs this hunting technique is the Florida wolf spider (Hogna carolinensis). These spiders are commonly found in sandy habitats and use vibrations to locate prey, such as beetles and other small insects. By utilizing their unique hunting method, wolf spiders can effectively capture their prey even when it is concealed.

“Jumping Spider Mating Ritual”

While some spiders use sounds for hunting, others produce sounds during their mating rituals. Jumping spiders, known for their incredible agility and vibrant colors, engage in elaborate courtship displays that involve the production of specific sounds.

Description of Jumping Spider Mating Rituals

During the mating ritual, male jumping spiders perform intricate dances and visual displays to attract females. These displays often include rapid leg movements and rhythmic body jerks. However, sound is also an essential component of their courtship behavior.

Sounds Produced During the Mating Ritual

To communicate their intentions to potential mates, male jumping spiders produce distinctive “drumming” sounds. These sounds are created by rapidly vibrating their bodies against leaves or other surfaces. The resulting vibrations generate acoustic signals that are picked up by nearby females.

Examples of Jumping Spider Species with Unique Mating Sounds

The Maratus volans, also known as the peacock spider, is a prime example of a jumping spider species that produces unique mating sounds. Male peacock spiders have specialized structures called “stridulatory organs” on their abdomens. By rubbing these structures against other body parts, they create audible vibrations that serve as part of their elaborate courtship dance.

In conclusion, spiders have evolved various techniques to communicate and interact with their environment. From using vibrations to detect prey like the wolf spider to producing intricate sounds during mating rituals like the jumping spider, these arachnids demonstrate remarkable adaptations.


Summary of key points

Throughout this article, we have explored the fascinating world of spider communication and the sounds they make. Here is a summary of the key points discussed:

  1. Spider Communication: Spiders have various methods of communication, including visual cues and vibrations. However, they also produce sounds as a means of communication.
  2. Types of Sounds: Spiders can produce different types of sounds, such as cheliceral clicking and purring. These sounds serve different purposes depending on the situation.
  3. Cheliceral Clicking: Spiders click their chelicerae as a form of communication, often during territorial disputes or courtship rituals. It is believed to be a way for spiders to establish dominance or attract mates.
  4. Spider Purring: Some spiders produce purring sounds by rubbing body parts together. This sound is thought to act as a warning to potential predators or to communicate with other spiders.
  5. Spider Defense: Spiders use sounds as a defense mechanism to deter predators. The unique sounds they produce can startle or intimidate potential threats.
  6. Spider Hunting: Sounds also play a crucial role in spider hunting, particularly in mating rituals. Jumping spiders, for example, use elaborate mating dances accompanied by specific sounds to attract mates.

Final thoughts on Do Spiders Make Noise?

The notion that spiders make noise may be surprising to some, but it highlights the complexity and diversity of their communication strategies. While we may not hear these sounds with our human ears, they are vital for spider survival and reproduction.

Studying spider noises not only provides valuable insights into their behavior but also offers a deeper understanding of the natural world around us. By unraveling the mysteries of spider communication, scientists can continue to explore the intricate web of interactions within ecosystems.

So next time you come across a spider, remember that there may be more going on than meets the eye – or ear. Spider noises are just one of the many fascinating aspects of these ancient creatures that continue to captivate our curiosity.

“The world of spider communication is a symphony of vibrations, clicks, and purrs, revealing a hidden language that speaks volumes about their survival and reproduction.”

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